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    Summer Educational Camps

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    Through grade three, children are learning to read and write; from grade four on, children are reading and writing to learn. At any time in these formative years, a gap in the reading and writing foundation can make learning of any type difficult.

    APA Camps offer remedial and enrichment instruction in Reading, Writing and Math.

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    Each camp will offer a well–balanced, research-based, engaging program for all campers. The program fosters reading and writing independence and confidence. Instructors are positive and encouraging teachers who are trained to help your child find, restore or strengthen their Reading, Writing and Math skills. A diagnostic pre-screening assessment will be completed prior to camp to identify your child’s academic strengths and weaknesses. Results from this test are used to ensure your child will receive the precise instruction needed to improve.


    Each morning or afternoon, campers participate in the Reading, Writing or Math Method for 1 hour, sports, and games for 1 hour, and Reading, Writing or Math activities for the third hour, led by certified educators. Each section will have appropriate “mini-breaks”. Participants will be placed in small groups for instruction.

    Download Our Camp Registration Form

    Camp Details


    1. Prior to camp, we meet with you and your child to complete an assessment identifying academic strengths and weaknesses.

    2. We discuss the camp with your child to help alleviate any anxiety and concerns they may have.

    3. Once at camp and in their respective groups, each teacher establishes a rapport with your child and utilizes your child’s individual strengths to compliment the whole group while building on areas they need to work on.

    4. Each child is acknowledged and made to feel important as a contributor to their small group and the large group as a whole.

    5. APA celebrates individual progress, new understandings and proper application of the material, as well as academic, social, emotional and physical achievements. We look for every opportunity to cheer your child on!

    6. All instructors are positive and highly qualified with the best-researched methods for your child’s learning style and educational needs.

    7. Each morning and afternoon is broken up into one-hour periods where the children work, then play games, and work again. Many children have been quoted saying to their parents, “this is what school is supposed to be like!”

    8. We celebrate your child’s accomplishments during camp and encourage continued relationships with new friends and teachers.


    Contact Us

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     Medicine Hat and Calgary, Alberta

    Tel: 403-866-3806


    Copyright 2024 Accelerated Potential Academy Inc.

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